Oh Baby! The Benefits of Prenatal Massage
Written by Lindsay Olver | Nov 20, 2018
Prenatal massage focuses on the unique needs of the mother as her body adapts to the changes of pregnancy.
Massage may promote a healthy pregnancy by increasing relaxation to the mother while helping alleviate some of the physical aches and pains associated with carrying a baby.
It is essential that every client feels comfortable, safe, and supported during the treatment. When lying face down is no longer available, the mom to be can lie on her side with the use of pillows to maintain comfort.
Massage can be safe and beneficial from the first through third trimesters of pregnancy. If you have any concerns or special health conditions it's always a good idea to consult with your doctor prior to a treatment.
Postpartum is a time for your body to heal and recover. Massage can alleviate the muscle soreness, tension, and stress that comes with recovery and caring for a new baby. It can also be a great opportunity for quiet time and rest.
It is always a joy working with and supporting mothers through their pregnancy and postpartum journeys.
With Love,
Lindsay Olver, RMT
Lindsay Olver
Registered Massage Therapist
BA Psychology
Registered Yoga Teacher