Embracing The Power of Rituals & Routines
Written By Kim Deschamps | December 27, 2022
One of the reasons so many people love the holiday season is all of the traditions that come with it. The merriest celebrants are those who already know what day they’ll take off to go shopping, where they’ll get their Christmas tree and hang the stockings, or whose party they’ll be at when ringing in the new year.
Why? Because there is power in rituals and comfort in routines. Any good parenting blog will tell you that children crave routine and structure in their day. The reality is that we all have an inner child that yearns for the same. For most of us, knowing what to expect is a far more pleasant experience than chaos; while some surprises are welcome, they can all too often throw us off balance.
Did you know that you can apply the same appeal of ritual and routine to daily living to improve your well-being? We might not light Chanukah candles 365 days a year, but when we look at body, mind, and spirit, we can start to build rituals and routines that serve us. These can be as unique as you are, but here are a few places and spaces to start:
Mindfulness: We’ve been talking a lot about mindfulness this month, and it’s really a beautiful thing when you can turn it into both part of your routine (a few minutes each morning or at the end of the day?) and ritual. Imagine setting down a mat, lighting your favorite scented candle, and playing classical music or nature sounds in the background while you focus on your breath. After a couple of weeks starting off the same way, you’ll start to notice your body and mind responding as soon as you light a match.
Exercise: Because movement is so very important to your mental and physical health, this is a perfect place to build in some routine and ritual. Especially if you’re someone who has struggled to maintain a consistent fitness program. First, find something you enjoy – it shouldn’t feel like a hardship. Walk, bike, swim, run, yoga, pilates, it all counts. To make it more enticing, find a buddy to meet up with daily or weekly. Build in incentives and rewards – I like to stop for coffee on my way home from a long Saturday run, followed by a hot shower and a long nap. What sounds good to you?
Bedtime: For all my troubled sleepers out there! Insomnia and fatigue affect so many of us. If you haven’t yet, take a close look at the hour you spend before bed. You probably already know you’re supposed to limit screen time for at least a ½ hour prior… but are you? What if you tried…
10 minutes of mindful meditation or gentle yoga;
A soothing shower with lavender body wash;
10 minutes of journaling, a cup of chamomile tea;
And 20 minutes of light reading.
Then, lights out. (I’m getting sleepy just writing this.) Try it – or your own personal relaxing version of it – for a few weeks. With consistency, you’ll create a routine that works and you’ll start to notice yourself unwinding at the very start of your bedtime ritual.
Between the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and the impact of winter’s chill and darkness, it’s more important now than at any other time of year that we truly take care of ourselves. Create whatever routines and rituals you need to give you joy and help you stay healthy and well. Experiment until you find the right recipe for a happy, healthy you – then tell us your secret so we can try it for ourselves!
Kim Deschamps