Shovelling Snow - Safely!
Written by Danielle Bararuk | Nov 15, 2018
It's that time of year again, and the snow is here to stay! Here are some tips to help avoid injury while shoveling this winter.
Warm Up Properly! Cold muscles are more at risk for injury. Try marching on the spot or brisk walking around the house to increase blood flow to your muscles.
Stretch It Out* - Back and leg muscles should be stretched before heading out. The mid back, low back, hamstrings, quadriceps, and calf muscles are important to be loosened up before shovelling. Below are some suggested stretches for how to warm up properly. Make sure to talk to your physiotherapist if you are not sure how to properly execute these stretches.
Lifting Techniques - Proper lifting is important when shovelling. Bend at your hips and with your knees. Do not lift with the back; keep your back straight and lift with your legs. Avoid twisting or bending your back.
Consider using an ergonomic shovel. Choose a shovel that allows you to stay more upright when lifting the snow. Avoid extending your arms by moving the shovel too far away from your body when lifting the snow.
Proper Footwear! It is important to have a good grip when shoveling and lifting snow to prevent slipping.
Pace Yourself. Take breaks and avoid holding your breath. If there is a lot of snow or deep snow try only removing a few inches at a time.
*This information is not a substitute for professional treatment. Always seek out a qualified healthcare professional with any questions or modifications about the stretches shown here. Do not take this as a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek out medical attention for any questions or concerns.
Danielle Bararuk
Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Paediatric Physiotherapist