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How to Stay Active in Winter
Welcome FALL, but don’t fall behind in your activity and exercise goals!
As we put away our beach toys, bikes, and summer gear, there naturally is a shift towards slowing down, indoor activities and a more sedentary lifestyle. Like all things, this is all good and fine, but let’s keep it in moderation! With the cooler weather looming and the fall days upon us, it’s easy to lose motivation and FALL off the exercise train.
Prenatal Health for Mama and Baby!
We are seeing more and more evidence stating the more supported Mom is, physically, emotionally, and spiritually through pregnancy, has direct benefits to baby. This isn’t new information, but the amount of evidence is quite significant (1-4). Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Lindsey Tasker Cole provides education on prenatal exercise, the benefits and what is safe to partake in with this blog post. Take a read!