Taking Time To Pause, Reflect & Celebrate
Written By Kim Deschamps | December 5, 2022
Some of the greatest gifts in life don’t come in boxes and aren’t to be found under the Christmas tree. This December, as the year is rapidly coming to a close and the mad dash to the mall and online shopping descend, I want to give you permission to slow down and take care of yourself. Self-love is essential, and I encourage you to give yourself the gift of well-being as 2022 comes to a close.
Self-love can mean different things to different people, so whatever that looks like for you, carve out some time to fully embrace it. For me, treating myself to an afternoon that includes a mocha latte and a pedicure can feel as restorative as a two-week vacation. Find your happy place and spend some time there this month so that you can fill your cup and give of yourself when the festive meals and gift exchanges call for it.
December can often feel like an ending, with a new beginning right around the corner. With that in mind, one of the best things you can do for yourself now is to take stock of where you came from, where you are at this moment, and where you want to go. Here are three great places to start:
Pause: Take a few moments each morning and each night to get centered and grounded, imagining yourself as an oasis of calm in an otherwise chaotic world. Let go of all the expectations that you have placed on yourself. If the wrapping paper doesn’t all match, if you only make 3 kinds of Christmas cookies instead of 4, or if you run out of candles for the menorah, it’s okay. It’s more than okay. The most important thing is that YOU are okay. So pause. Breathe in calm. Breathe out stress.
Reflect: Find a quiet time and place to look back through the year. What were the best things that happened? The toughest challenges? The biggest changes? Most importantly, consider the lessons that you learned. There are probably some things that no longer serve you that you can leave behind in 2022. It’s likely that there are an equal number of things you wish to carry forward into 2023.
Celebrate: Yes, we’re celebrating the holiday season with friends and family this month. But let’s also have a private party that’s just for you to celebrate your wins. Big ones, small ones, any shape and size. A promotion, a raise, or a fantastic performance review? Celebrate! Following through on your fitness goals and making it to yoga class most weeks? Celebrate! Made a new friend? Released yourself from a toxic relationship? Learned how to make a mean pasta fagioli? Celebrate by treating yourself to lunch at a local cafe, a milkshake, a professional massage, a hot bubble bath, or an indulgent nap.
All of this pausing, reflecting, and celebrating should help you properly celebrate the season by staying present in the moment. That care you’re taking of yourself will give you the patience, energy, and strength to show up for all of the important people you choose to surround yourself with and allow you to fully enjoy the season. We hope you do!
Kim Deschamps