3 Common Foods that affect your Energy and Mood

Written by Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht | November 7, 2019

Most people can relate to reaching for unhealthy foods when they feel stressed, unhappy, or run down. These foods usually involve sugar, carbohydrates, and caffeine - all of which have a stimulating effect on the body. We feel good while consuming them, but not long after we are left with less energy and lower mood - and you may or may not even recognize it!


Studies show that sugar lights up the same areas of the brain as some drugs like cocaine and other drugs1. We get instant gratification and seek out more, explaining why sugar can be regarded as addictive. The average North American consumes 100 grams of sugar or more per day. We should be eating less than 40 grams per day. Read labels and don’t forget about sneaky sources of sugar - flavoured yogurt, certain cereals, fruit juice, specialty drinks and coffee.


Our bodies crave carbohydrates because it uses them as a quick energy source. It does this by breaking down the carbohydrates into its basic form - sugar (or medically referred to as glucose). Sugar floats around in the blood stream and enters our cells to be used as energy. Once the cells absorb sugar, the amount of sugar in the blood drops. When it drops too low, it is referred to as “low blood sugar”. When this happens, our bodies crave more carbohydrates to bring sugar levels back up. You enter his rise and fall pattern all day, which causes you to feel tired, hungry, and “hangry”.


It’s surprising how those few cups of coffee can affect us. One single cup of coffee causes a release of the stress hormone cortisol for hours following its consumption, signalling a state of stress in the body. If you are feeling tired, stressed, anxious, or have insomnia, it is best to eliminate coffee for a few weeks. Most people notice an improvement by doing just this!

 If your mind and body are craving these above foods, it’s a good sign it needs support. This is one of the most important times to be mindful of the foods you eat and focus on choosing those that nourish your body!

Dr.Stephanie Liebrecht

Naturopathic Doctor


1. Avena, N., Rada, P., Hoebel, B. (2008) Evidence for sugar addiction: behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake. 32(1): 20-39.

Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht

Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht, BSc, ND is a licensed, board-certified Naturopathic Doctor. She received her Doctorate of Naturopathy from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, to which she was medically trained in standards of practice, clinical diagnosis, physical examination, and naturopathic modalities. Her interest in the functioning of the human body drove her to first receive her Bachelor’s Degree in Anatomy & Cell Biology, and to study other sciences such as physiology, biochemistry, etc. while at the University of Saskatchewan.
Dr. Liebrecht, ND has a general family practice treating a variety of health concerns including women’s health, thyroid disorders, digestive concerns, mood support, sleep disturbances, and fatigue. She is passionate about hormones, and her professional interests include polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycles, fertility, menopause, hypothyroid, and fatigue. She aims to establish health in patients by providing the knowledge and tools to empower people, and take control of their health.

To stay up to date with current medical research and naturopathic treatments, Dr. Liebrecht, ND attends continuing education events and conferences throughout the year. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), and the Saskatchewan Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (SANP). Dr. Liebrecht, ND serves as Vice President of the SANP.


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