Movement Postpartum
Written by Kelly Button | March 13, 2021
When it comes to moving postpartum I think it’s important that the program really looks at what the mother needs & not just what the program offers. I personally know day to day was so variable that sometimes moving happened and sometimes it didn’t & as a mother the hardest thing to do is give yourself grace for not getting things done.
Throughout my first year as a mother, I encountered many amazing moments coupled with my fair share of challenges. The challenges of having a little guy who never slept…really NEVER (despite seeking help) and would only nap if I was holding him started to take a toll on my body. Add in breastfeeding, co-sleeping, baby carrying, diet restrictions (FPIES), and just generally not moving as often, and 12 months postpartum my body hurt. I felt disconnected to myself & my needs as an individual. My first year as a mother predates Covid-19 yet I felt more isolated during that time than I do now with all the current restrictions.
I couldn’t figure out how to feel more like myself, so I started using small (very small) daily movements to try to reconnect. It started simply with feeling an emotion & allowing myself to pause and move, whether that was a small stretch, a side bend, or a short walk around my kitchen island. It really allowed me to understand how far from myself I felt and bring my body & my mind closer together. Which led me to seek help through a counsellor & naturopath for postpartum depression. Finally, with the right support in place I began to feel more like me & was able to begin nourishing my body with even more movement.
Movement was the catalyst for reconnection after so much disconnection. When it comes to a movement program postpartum, I think it is really vital to provide the mother what she needs on that day & in that moment. It’s not just about what you need for movement it’s also what you need for your self-care, your nervous system, your mind, & your body. Your day-to-day state is so dependent on your child & whether they slept, ate, napped, are teething, leaping, etc., & the support you are able to get day to day from others.
When it comes to teaching movement to others my goal is not to overwhelm you but instead, I want to help you change your everyday habits to work in your favour. To help you build a body that feels good and functions well, and to help you change the narrative from fitness to movement so we can create more opportunities during your day to support that goal. Classes can include Block Therapy for release, slow gentle movements when you are feeling too exhausted & overwhelmed, breathing to ground & calm you, and flexibility & strength exercises to combat the tension & changes your body undergoes when caring for a small child 24/7. I am here to create a safe space for you to find a connection to yourself through movement.
Kelly Button
Certified Pilates Teacher
Restorative Exercise Specialist