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Sit Less This Summer… And Move More!
As a physiotherapist, I firmly believe that nothing has a bigger positive impact on our health and wellness as movement. The problem is that most of us aren’t moving enough. Too many people sit at a desk all day and then come home and sit on the couch in the evening. If that sounds familiar, this article is my love letter to you.
Coming Home To Yourself
For nearly three years now, our lives have been upended by external events well beyond our control, from a global pandemic to geopolitical strife and so many other things in between. You may have read a number of articles that attempted to articulate how you might be feeling. Were you languishing? Was your nervous system unbalanced due to a period of prolonged stress? Or did you simply feel, like I did, like a prairie dog popping up over and over again to scan for danger. It was like playing wack-a-mole!