Tips for Staying Healthy over the Holidays
Written by Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht, BSc, ND | December 15, 2021
The holiday season is a wonderful time of year. It’s the time when we get together with family and friends. We spend quality time enjoying each others’ company and eating some great food and (hopefully) some rest and relaxation!
I encourage people to enjoy this time and try to get some health “basics” in:
1. Eat some vegetables and fruits - I looove that classic Christmas meal, but I also know it’s good to get some veggies or fruits on my plate. I make sure to fill 1/4-1/2 of my plate with veggies and fruits while enjoying all the other fixin’s!
2. Stay active - dig out your winter gear and head outside for a bit! Enjoy things like skating, sledding, or a brisk 15-minute walk. Try to add an extra hour of exercise throughout the holiday break. This could be walking, jogging, yoga, or swimming…whatever gets your heart rate up!
3. Relax and recharge - although the holidays can be busy, find some time to relax or recharge in whatever way best suits you! Socialize with friends and family, watch a movie, read a book or listen to music, or take a warm bath – anything that helps you relax.
4. Pay attention to any symptoms that you might have – including your mental health – so that you can get help if needed.
5. Drink Water - it’s essential for our bodies! We need water just like we need air. Most of us are not drinking enough water throughout the day; however, by doing so, you will keep from becoming dehydrated and getting sick during the holidays!
Other Tips for Healthy Holiday:
1. Value socializing - the holidays are a time to connect with friends and family and make lasting memories. Plan to do things like playing cards or a board game, or enjoy old traditions that are meaningful to us, and make new traditions that our children will remember fondly when they have families of their own. The health benefits from happiness and connection with others are just as important for our health!
2. Digestive enzymes - a good way to help reduce the gas, bloating, and discomfort after a meal. Find a supplement with different types of enzymes in it, so it can help digest a brand range of foods. I recommend BioEnzyme by Seroyal which can be found at Holistic!
3. Peppermint Tea - acts as a gentle anti-spasmodic for the gut. It aids in digestion by reducing the discomfort you may feel caused by intestinal cramping following a meal. It's a great way to enjoy a cup of tea after a meal!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Remember that you can burn off extra calories over the holidays and still enjoy yourself with family and friends.
Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht
Naturopathic Doctor