The Year of Learning
Written by Lindsey Tasker Cole | December 11, 2020
Yay!! We made it through 2020! Can you believe it?! So many ups and downs and changes outside of our control. It sure has been a different kind of year to say the least. That aside, isn’t it pretty incredible we are going to have a vaccine, within the SAME year that this virus changed the face of the world?! While some aren’t thrilled with this timeline, I choose to see the positive in this, and knowing we are on our way back to ‘normal’ life!
The theme for our newsletter this month is Resilience. I couldn’t think of a better word to describe how our community has faced this year. With all the physical restriction still currently in place, we have all had to adapt to how we communicate, socialize, learn, exercise, work and basically function.
Online platforms are thriving as tools to deliver education, courses, and health care. This change has definitely been one of the most positive changes our world has seen. The technology has always been there, we just were not maximizing its use. Now that we are forced to, we are really seeing it for what it is. With the ability to reach more people and access more resources it makes it quite a powerful tool at that. It’s the one area where we are not restricted.
Our ‘intellectual wellness means staying curious and engaged in learning new things’. The world has never presented a better time to really dive into learning something new or advancing our knowledge in areas that may promote a deeper understanding. Whether it’s continuing education for work, a university class, reading for pleasure, or joining an online club with similar interests, etc. The options are endless and being able to do so from the comfort and safety of your home! How lucky are we!? Did I just say we are lucky?
We have had to get creative with our day-to-day activities and that makes us more resilient than ever. So, over this upcoming holiday season, try taking advantage of the wealth of services we have access to online, whether it’s learning something new or trying out a new exercise class. Your mind and body will thank you.
Lindsey Tasker Cole
Pelvic Health Therapist