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Holiday Perfectionism
The holidays can be fun, joyful, and exciting. Let’s be real though - they can also be super stressful!
Especially when you feel the pressure to get things just right: To cook the perfect meal, give the best gifts, keep all the traditions going, and make that sure everyone around you is happy.
Prepping for the holidays while keeping up with your usual responsibilities at home and work gets overwhelming. Especially for those struggling with perfectionism.
3 Plants to Support the Nervous System During Stress
During times of stress, the “fight or flight” (sympathetic) nervous system becomes more active to help us deal with our stress. This part of our nervous system is not meant to be turned on for a long period of time. Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht, ND provides insight on three common plants that are used to support the nervous system in naturopathic medicine.
The Year of Learning
The theme for our newsletter this month is Resilience. I couldn’t think of a better word to describe how our community has faced this year. With all the physical restriction still currently in place, we have all had to adapt to how we communicate, socialize, learn, exercise, work and basically function.