Is Chiropractic Care Right For Your Pregnancy?

By Dr. Madolyn Linka

D.C., B.A. (KIN), Chiropractor, Acupuncture Provider, Yoga Instructor |June 12, 2023

Let’s start with this simple statistic: women who receive prenatal chiropractic care experience labor times that are 25% to 31% shorter. That’s enough of an incentive for many women, amiright?! But we won’t stop there. Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of seeing a chiropractor throughout your pregnancy.

Having a baby changes everything. That includes your body, and it doesn’t happen overnight. There are a million little changes in your hormones, in how your body expands to make room for the fetus, in the way you carry yourself with those beautiful extra pounds.

As glorious as it can be, pregnancy also comes with common discomforts that many women experience. A visit to Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness’ circle of care can alleviate them, especially if it includes chiropractic care, which can be a valuable tool in your healthy, happy pregnancy toolbox.

Yes, it’s safe for women who are pregnant to see a chiropractor. In fact, it’s quite common. While there are some rare occasions when chiropractic care would not be appropriate, we will review all of those during your consultation to make sure the care we provide is the right care for you.

As a chiropractor, I look at the joints and the spine to make sure they are properly aligned and adjust them as needed to provide comfort and relief to my patient. I’m also experienced in a number of specialties that help women along on their journey to motherhood, including the Webster technique, which aligns the pelvis, acupuncture, kinesiotaping, and more, so your experience here will be tailored to your unique needs.

Here are just a few of the many benefits a chiropractor can provide during pregnancy:

Reduce Nausea: Morning sickness, incredibly common during the first trimester and sometimes longer, is no joke. When we realign your spine, it improves the overall function of your nervous system, which helps balance the hormones that are causing the queasiness in the first place. Chiropractic care can also provide relief from digestive issues like heartburn and constipation.

Alleviate Back Pain: There’s a lot going on! The extra weight in your uterus (thanks baby!) can impact your posture and every position your body assumes when standing, walking, sleeping, or sitting. On top of that, the hormone relaxin is relaxin’ every joint and ligament in your pelvic region – which is great for birthing a baby but not always the best for keeping the rest of your body stabilised. Chiropractic adjustments can help your body stay in alignment so it hurts less and actually births that baby more efficiently. We mentioned the reduced labour time, didn’t we?

Baby Positioning: One thing your OB will talk to you about is your baby’s position. They’ll want your baby to be head down many weeks before your due date, and that’s another thing your friendly neighbourhood chiropractor can help with. Because we work to ensure balance and alignment in your pelvic region, your baby will have the space he/she needs to make their way into an optimal ‘ready’ position.

You deserve a healthy pregnancy, free from pain, and an uncomplicated birthing experience. By visiting us here for regular chiropractic care during pregnancy, you’ll give yourself a great start to this wild motherhood thing. Call us today to schedule a visit!

Dr. Madolyn Linka

D.C., B.A. (KIN), Chiropractor, Acupuncture Provider, Yoga Instructor


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