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Embracing Holistic Health: A Peek into Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness
At Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness, we're not just about treating symptoms; we're about nurturing the whole person. Our integrated approach combines physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, clinical counseling, nutrition counseling, and registered nursing support services. We believe that true healing occurs when we work together, focusing on the circle of care, and rising as a collective.
Connection for The Heart and Soul
We’ve been focused this month on how certain things slow down in winter and ways in which we can use that for restorative purposes. But at the height of the holiday season, in the midst of cooking, cleaning, and shopping, you may feel an even greater need for rest and recovery than usual.
Pain, Fatigue, and Burnout: Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
Stress affects all of us, and often in unique ways. If you’re experiencing stress along with fatigue, burnout, and/or physical pain, you’ve come to the right place for affirmation. I believe you when you say you feel pain. I believe your experience of fatigue.
Connect Your Mind to Your Body Through Mindful Movement
If you’ve been to our practice before, you’ve probably heard us talk about the importance and power of mindful movement. That’s because, from a holistic standpoint, opening a line of communication and understanding between body and mind is good for the whole person.
Is Chiropractic Care Right For Your Pregnancy?
Let’s start with this simple statistic: women who receive prenatal chiropractic care experience labor times that are 25% to 31% shorter. That’s enough of an incentive for many women, amiright?! But we won’t stop there. Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of seeing a chiropractor throughout your pregnancy.
What does Holistic Health mean?
We have a simple question: What does holistic health mean to you? For some people, it can sound a little new-agey or too alternative; they might imagine a room full of crystals and candles. For others, it might simply sound irrelevant – they have a health problem, and they have a doctor they go to for solving the problem. And yet…
Is Mindfulness & Meditation Right For You?
Do you ever feel as though you are sleepwalking through life? Driving on autopilot and going through the routine motions of your day – brushing your teeth, fixing a salad for lunch, zoning out watching television in the evenings?
Exploring Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
“Postmenopausal osteoporosis is known as the most common type of osteoporosis and is thought to result from a decrease in estrogen and testosterone as we age”. Dr. Linka talks about the effects of postmenopausal osteoporosis and tips on how to prevent/ manage the diagnosis to live a healthy life.