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Maternal Mental Health: Post-Partum Anxiety
Post-partum anxiety is defined by frequent, distressing fears. Some mothers describe worrying constantly about worst-case scenarios, seeing potential risks all around them. Dr. Marnie Rogers-de Jong, PH.D., provides excellent information on the physical symptoms of post-partum anxiety, and the variety of ways to help a mom experiencing postpartum mood disorders.
Ways to Combat Stress as a New Mom
Stress is a natural part of becoming a new mom. A newborn baby can bring so much joy and excitement to your life. It is also very normal to experience stress during this time. Worry, strain or pressure can occur in response to very demanding circumstances, in this case having a new baby to care for. Find out ways to combat stress as a new mom that is practical and achievable from occupational therapist, Janelle Daku.
New Year, New you?!
Physiotherapist, Lindsey Tasker Cole dives into the differences between physical activity, exercise, & fitness. She provides insight and comfort for moms on how daily activity can be in fact fitness training! You are doing a great job momma!
Painful Breastfeeding and Vasospasm- What is the Relation?
“Experiencing some nipple soreness in the first few days or week of breastfeeding can be normal. If the discomfort develops into pain, and the pain lasts longer than a week, there may be an underlying issue.” Dr. Liebrecht (ND) discusses the relation of breast pain and “vasospasm” during breast feeding, possible causes, symptoms and treatments.