Prenatal and Postpartum Care via Tele-health
Written by Lindsey Tasker Cole | April 14, 2020
The world as we know it is so much different than it was less than a month ago. With the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring, and when things will resume back to normal, we need to find a way to continue to support women on their journey through pregnancy and beyond. The feeling of having even a little bit of control over one’s health can be extremely grounding even at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. Thankfully the opportunity to provide prenatal and postpartum pelvic health care online is available and works wonderfully well!
I am very excited to be able to provide tele-health appointments to support women during this very unprecedented time we are living in. This type of appointment is very similar to what we would do face to face, but without some of the hands on feedback. Through props and models, we can demonstrate easily how the pelvic girdle changes and functions through labor and delivery. Much of these appointments are so unique to each woman, and the recommendations are all based solely on her pelvic health history. This really allows instructions to be tailored to provide the best approach for the most optimal delivery and postpartum recovery.
Pelvic floor relaxation and preparation for delivery is a great way to give some control back to expecting mamas, and can ease some of the fears around childbirth. Providing instruction on how to prepare the pelvic floor for childbirth is such an important component of these appointments, along with postures and positions for labor and delivery, post-partum expectations, bowel and bladder concerns, core weakness, and pelvic girdle stability.
Tele-health has been around for a while, but now it’s truly proving to be an immensely vital tool to reach out to the community. I believe it will continue to be used in a higher capacity even after our world is back to normal. The platform we use is extremely confidential and private, and is very easy to access through our online booking system. Our admin team would be happy to guide you through setting up an appointment.
We will get through this together!
Lindsey Tasker Cole
Pelvic Physiotherapist
Vestibular Physiotherapist