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Understanding The Mind-Body Connection
Few of us live a life exempt from loss or pain. Anyone who has lost a loved one too soon or gone through a bad breakup can recall not only their emotional reaction but their physical reaction as well. The loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia. Heartache is something most of us can relate to, but why? How does an emotional event lead to physical symptoms?
What does Holistic Health mean?
We have a simple question: What does holistic health mean to you? For some people, it can sound a little new-agey or too alternative; they might imagine a room full of crystals and candles. For others, it might simply sound irrelevant – they have a health problem, and they have a doctor they go to for solving the problem. And yet…
Is Mindfulness & Meditation Right For You?
Do you ever feel as though you are sleepwalking through life? Driving on autopilot and going through the routine motions of your day – brushing your teeth, fixing a salad for lunch, zoning out watching television in the evenings?
Complete The Stress Cycle
Your body speaks a different language than you do. Your body responds to a stressful situation through a flight or fight response, which is essentially a quick release of hormones. Your body completes the stress cycle by – literally – working it out. Run, bike, swim, or dance. Any kind of physical activity that makes you move and deepens your breathing will signal to your brain that the threat has passed. Try it for 20-60 minutes a day, every day if possible. After all, most humans experience stress on a daily basis.