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The Hidden Impact of Suppressed Emotions on Physical Health
If you don’t acknowledge and express your response to an experience, including your emotions, it can be stored in your body and your nervous system. So many of us hold things in unconsciously even if it affects us negatively. Explore the common places where we hold stress in our bodies.
Connection for The Heart and Soul
We’ve been focused this month on how certain things slow down in winter and ways in which we can use that for restorative purposes. But at the height of the holiday season, in the midst of cooking, cleaning, and shopping, you may feel an even greater need for rest and recovery than usual.
Holiday Perfectionism
The holidays can be fun, joyful, and exciting. Let’s be real though - they can also be super stressful!
Especially when you feel the pressure to get things just right: To cook the perfect meal, give the best gifts, keep all the traditions going, and make that sure everyone around you is happy.
Prepping for the holidays while keeping up with your usual responsibilities at home and work gets overwhelming. Especially for those struggling with perfectionism.
Is Anxiety an Issue? 5 Things to Consider
Everyone has some level of stress or anxiety in their lives. It’s normal to feel worried at times, especially when you’re faced with tough situations - like financial problems, relationship issues, or a global pandemic! But fear and worry can go beyond that helpful range and have negative impacts on our day-to-day life. If you’re wondering whether anxiety is an issue in your life, here are five things to consider.
Fight, Flight, Freeze: 3 Kinds of Stress Responses
You’ve likely heard the phrase, “fight or flight.” It’s actually pretty helpful for understanding how people respond to stress. Especially if we can add one more word: Fight, flight, or freeze. In this article, Dr. Marnie Rogers de Jong describe three common stress responses and their potential effects.
My Ectopic Pregnancy
Kelly Button bravely shares on her recent ectopic pregnancy, the ups and downs with experiencing a pregnancy loss, and extends gratitude to her care team, family & friends for the support she has received. Kelly shares honestly, feels deeply, and places words to all of the emotions that she has been experiencing as she moves through her healing journey.
COVID-19 & Women’s Well-Being
The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. I wanted to mark this day by highlighting how COVID-19 has impacted women’s well-being. While there’s no doubt that men are struggling too, research suggests that women have been hit hard by the economic, social, and emotional challenges of the pandemic.