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"Blue Zones" & the Link to Long, Happy and Healthy Lives
Dr. Madolyn Linka shares about the healing nature of the world’s “Blue Zones”, which describes five distinct areas of the globe that have the largest population of centenarians, individuals of 100 years or older. Dr. Linka had the opportunity to visit one of these Blue Zones and she shares her healing experience and what will be forever imprinted in her life.
Mindset and The Five Minute Journal
When we discuss mental health, mindset should also be apart of our conversation. Our thought pattern, the way we view ourselves, the kind of self talk we do, the outlook we have on life - all of these are apart of our mindset, and all of these affect our mood and behaviour. Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht, ND provides insight on The 5 Minute Journal and how important it is to create a positive mindset through setting daily intentions, positive reflection of the day, and practices of gratitude.
My 'Meditations from the Mat'
Meditations from the Mat by Rolf Gates & Katrina Kenison is a staple on Dr. Madolyn Linka’s bedside table. This square four hundred and twenty three page soft cover book sits in it’s space underneath her lamp reminding her of the daily reflections on the path of yoga. She has owned this book since 2016. For four years it’s sat close to where she lays her head at night and allowed her to flip through it and land on a page that she needs to read on the day she turns to it. Explore more with Dr. Linka on Meditations from the Mat.
The Stress Response & Our Nervous Systems
It is no surprise that this year has had trials and tribulations. Oftentimes, the uncertainty of the unknown translates into an experience of stress, anxiety or unease. The past 6 months with the events of a global pandemic, the economy ceasing to operate for months and a restriction on international travel have all altered our “normal” routines. Dr. Madolyn Linka, DC explains what happens to our central nervous system when we are faced with stressful situations in this fantastic blog post!
Stress & Adrenal Fatigue
Our bodies are designed to deal with stress and the adrenal glands are one organ that plays a role in adapting to it. Dr. Stephanie Liebrect, BSc, ND discuss the different stages of our stress response, which includes the physiological and psychological changes that occur.
Why Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?
Maintaining and improving the function of your spine with chiropractic adjustments throughout your pregnancy helps to clear your nervous system of any interference to it. This can include tight muscles, laxity in ligaments and changes in posture as your center of gravity shifts. Dr. Madolyn Linka shares that staying well adjusted allows you to be as healthy as possible during your pregnancy.
The Nitty Gritty on Intervertebral Discs
You may or may not have heard of them before, but these little “jelly-filled donuts” called discs live in between each and every vertebra in your spinal column. They are important spinal shock absorbers for the activities in our daily lives, but can also cause us some issues if they herniate, tear, or bulge in the wrong directions around the spinal nerves and cord. Dr. Madolyn Linka, DC helps us dig a little deeper into the nitty gritty of our intervertebral discs.
Meet Hilary: International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Registered Nurse (RN) and owner of Nourish
Hilary Keller - International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), Registered Nurse (RN) and the owner of Nourish, discusses the importance of support for women pre and postnatally when it comes to breastfeeding and lactation support. Hilary recognized a need in our community, which has led her to create her business “Nourish Lactation Support Services here in Saskatoon.
Postpartum Health: How Prenatal Yoga Can Help Support The 4th Trimester
Dr. Madolyn Linka speaks on the importance of new mothers taking time for themselves and having a support team that not only supports baby, but supports new moms as they navigate the path into motherhood. Dr. Linka offers support to moms in our community through her prenatal yoga series that “helps mamas move through their pregnancy in a healthy and mindful way, but we also help create an environment for her to be able to have the tools to cope after childbirth”.
Painful Breastfeeding and Vasospasm- What is the Relation?
“Experiencing some nipple soreness in the first few days or week of breastfeeding can be normal. If the discomfort develops into pain, and the pain lasts longer than a week, there may be an underlying issue.” Dr. Liebrecht (ND) discusses the relation of breast pain and “vasospasm” during breast feeding, possible causes, symptoms and treatments.
Preparing for Birth with Acupuncture
"Pre-birth acupuncture is a safe and natural therapy used in the final weeks of pregnancy as the body prepares for labour." Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht describes how women can prepare for birth and benefit by incorporating acupuncture into their birth plans.
The Iceberg Approach to Health & Wellness
“Symptoms such as pain or discomfort are sometimes the final signs your body gives you when there is an issue, disease or chronic injury underway”. Dr. Linka describes what is called the “iceberg approach” to health & wellness and the importance of being proactive, not letting pain be the only motivator when it comes to your health.
Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Men
Dr. Stephanie Liebrecht talks testosterone levels in men, prevalent symptoms, and what your levels and bloodwork can tell you.
Exploring Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
“Postmenopausal osteoporosis is known as the most common type of osteoporosis and is thought to result from a decrease in estrogen and testosterone as we age”. Dr. Linka talks about the effects of postmenopausal osteoporosis and tips on how to prevent/ manage the diagnosis to live a healthy life.
Using Plants to Help You Through (Peri-) Menopause
Naturopath Dr. Liebrecht speaks on peri menopause and how to support hormone levels naturally within the body with the use of plants and herbs.
Reflecting on a New Year
“While setting any kind of goal whether it is big or small, I think it is important to think of your intention behind it. Get really clear about what you want for yourself versus what you think you should be doing or what others think you should be doing”. Lindsay Olver reflects on the importance of setting intentions for your goals and resolutions in the New Year.
Vitamin D: An essential building block & the “sunshine” vitamin
You might have heard of Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine” vitamin at some point in your health journey. Dr. Madolyn Linka discusses some facts about the importance of vitamin D as it pertains to our wellness, especially as we navigate some of the longest nights and shortest days of the year leading up to the winter solstice (December 21).
Be Present This Holiday Season!
Danielle Bararuk, physiotherapist, shares how important it is to stay present and experience the miracle of Christmas and what is happening right before your eyes. Take a step back away from the hectic and sometimes overwhelming season. The holidays are the time to practice mindfulness more than ever!
The Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. Kim Deschamps discusses how to begin practicing mindfulness.
Yoga, Self Care & What I Know For Sure
Dr. Madolyn Linka describes the importance of self care and how it has been integrated into her life through the practice of Yoga.