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Rest and Digest With Your Parasympathetic Nervous System
Other things that help you relax will also help you extend your rest and digest stage. Reading a book if you love to read. Taking a bath with your favourite scented bubbles, if that’s your thing. Playing a musical instrument. Painting. You get the idea. If you’re feeling like you’re under constant stress, try to build some time into your day for the things that help you relax - it does more good for your health than you can imagine.
Discover How Gut Health Affects Your Well-being: The Gut-Health Brain Connection Explained - Chiropractor Saskatoon.
We talk a lot about the sympathetic nervous system that activates your flight or flight stress response. We help you tap into the “rest and digest” mode which is operated by the more mellow parasympathetic nervous system. But wait, there’s more!
What came first - Stress or Indigestion?
You are a better communicator than you realize! Did you know that your brain is in constant communication with – of all things – your gut? That’s why an uncomfortable conversation can induce butterflies or loose bowel movements and why you might not feel like your usual perky self when your stomach is off.
Understanding Your Nervous System: A Guide to Balance and Well-being
To truly understand the incredibly complex processes going on in any part of your body, especially one as intricate as your nervous system, you would probably need a PhD in neuroscience. Assuming you don’t have that degree or the time to study for one, we’re going to use this week’s blog to give you a ‘tip of the iceberg’ glance at your own nervous system.
The Stress Response & Our Nervous Systems
It is no surprise that this year has had trials and tribulations. Oftentimes, the uncertainty of the unknown translates into an experience of stress, anxiety or unease. The past 6 months with the events of a global pandemic, the economy ceasing to operate for months and a restriction on international travel have all altered our “normal” routines. Dr. Madolyn Linka, DC explains what happens to our central nervous system when we are faced with stressful situations in this fantastic blog post!