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Embracing Holistic Health: A Peek into Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness
At Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness, we're not just about treating symptoms; we're about nurturing the whole person. Our integrated approach combines physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, clinical counseling, nutrition counseling, and registered nursing support services. We believe that true healing occurs when we work together, focusing on the circle of care, and rising as a collective.
Menstrual Cycle and Hormones
Our bodies are always talking to us. As a women’s health professional, it is my passion to listen to women and their health stories to identify a pattern with the signs and symptoms so I can help her feel her best. I also believe in empowerment, which is why I’m outlining some information that every menstruating woman should know, so that you can take charge of your own wellness.
The Summer of Sleep
Many of my clients come to me for help with their sleep routine. Insomnia is a widespread problem that can have an outsized effect on our physical, mental, and emotional health. In fact, about 30 % of Canadians suffer from a sleep disorder.
Fast and faster - Fatigue recipe
Fatigue, burnout and exhaustion can be states that we live or survive in for short or long periods of time. Recognizing the signs of fatigue can be masked and tucked away until we are hit smack in the face with them. Physiotherapist Lindsey Tasker Cole dives into what fatigue looks like and how Physiotherapy can help!
Why Do I Still Feel Pain?
An opportunity to better understand your pain and resources to help you take control of your pain.