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Sit Less This Summer… And Move More!
As a physiotherapist, I firmly believe that nothing has a bigger positive impact on our health and wellness as movement. The problem is that most of us aren’t moving enough. Too many people sit at a desk all day and then come home and sit on the couch in the evening. If that sounds familiar, this article is my love letter to you.
Complete The Stress Cycle
Your body speaks a different language than you do. Your body responds to a stressful situation through a flight or fight response, which is essentially a quick release of hormones. Your body completes the stress cycle by – literally – working it out. Run, bike, swim, or dance. Any kind of physical activity that makes you move and deepens your breathing will signal to your brain that the threat has passed. Try it for 20-60 minutes a day, every day if possible. After all, most humans experience stress on a daily basis.
Back To After School Activity!
Danielle Bararuk shares the importance of introducing physical activity into your kids lives and tips on getting active as a family.