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Comprehensive Guide to Postpartum Mental Health | Clinical Counselling in Saskatoon
Welcoming a new life into the world is undeniably one of the most transformative experiences a person can undergo. However, amidst the joy and wonder of childbirth, it's crucial to acknowledge that it can also bring about significant changes, both physically and emotionally, for new parents. While there is much focus on the physical recovery after childbirth, the mental health aspect, particularly postpartum mental health, often takes a back seat. At Holistic Physiotherapy and Wellness, we believe in taking a comprehensive approach to postpartum care, addressing both the physical and mental well-being of new parents.
The Hidden Impact of Suppressed Emotions on Physical Health
If you don’t acknowledge and express your response to an experience, including your emotions, it can be stored in your body and your nervous system. So many of us hold things in unconsciously even if it affects us negatively. Explore the common places where we hold stress in our bodies.