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Movement and Exercise for Postpartum Recovery
Welcoming a new life into the world is a miraculous experience, but it also marks the beginning of a profound journey of physical and emotional transformation for new mothers. As the initial excitement of childbirth settles, the focus shifts to postpartum recovery—a period where movement and exercise play a pivotal role in restoring strength, mobility, and overall well-being.
Integrating Physiotherapy into Your Prenatal Care
Pregnancy, a time of beautiful transformation, can often feel like a jumbled choreography of hormonal shifts, physical changes, and emotional highs and lows.
But fear not! Just as a skilled dancer learns to move with poise, you too can glide through the stages of motherhood with ease, armed with the secret weapon of physiotherapy!
Menstrual Cycle and Hormones
Our bodies are always talking to us. As a women’s health professional, it is my passion to listen to women and their health stories to identify a pattern with the signs and symptoms so I can help her feel her best. I also believe in empowerment, which is why I’m outlining some information that every menstruating woman should know, so that you can take charge of your own wellness.
You Don’t Have to Live with Pelvic Pain!
One in five adults are living with chronic pelvic pain. As a pelvic health therapist, that statistic pains me. Because no matter how severe that pelvic pain is, there are natural ways we can alleviate it - or even relieve it all together.
Finding the Root of the Leak
“Urinary incontinence, or the loss of bladder control, is most common in women after childbirth and during menopause or thereafter. That does not mean it should be considered normal or has to be accepted as a part of aging.” Physiotherapist Danielle Bararuk discusses urinary incontinence and how the support of a pelvic health physiotherapist can help you get back to the activities you enjoy!