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Embracing Holistic Health: A Peek into Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness
At Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness, we're not just about treating symptoms; we're about nurturing the whole person. Our integrated approach combines physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, clinical counseling, nutrition counseling, and registered nursing support services. We believe that true healing occurs when we work together, focusing on the circle of care, and rising as a collective.
Empowering Community Support for Postpartum Recovery in Saskatoon
Bringing a new life into the world is an incredibly beautiful experience, but it's also a time of big changes and adjustment for new parents. As the initial excitement of childbirth fades, the reality of postpartum recovery sets in, bringing with it physical, emotional, and practical challenges. In navigating this, one of the most invaluable resources a new parent can have is a supportive community.
Comprehensive Guide to Postpartum Mental Health | Clinical Counselling in Saskatoon
Welcoming a new life into the world is undeniably one of the most transformative experiences a person can undergo. However, amidst the joy and wonder of childbirth, it's crucial to acknowledge that it can also bring about significant changes, both physically and emotionally, for new parents. While there is much focus on the physical recovery after childbirth, the mental health aspect, particularly postpartum mental health, often takes a back seat. At Holistic Physiotherapy and Wellness, we believe in taking a comprehensive approach to postpartum care, addressing both the physical and mental well-being of new parents.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
It was passion that fueled the creation of Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness. What started out with one woman and a commitment to health has grown into an integrative healthcare clinic that fosters community, empowerment, and collaboration.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
Understanding The Mind-Body Connection
Few of us live a life exempt from loss or pain. Anyone who has lost a loved one too soon or gone through a bad breakup can recall not only their emotional reaction but their physical reaction as well. The loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia. Heartache is something most of us can relate to, but why? How does an emotional event lead to physical symptoms?
What does Holistic Health mean?
We have a simple question: What does holistic health mean to you? For some people, it can sound a little new-agey or too alternative; they might imagine a room full of crystals and candles. For others, it might simply sound irrelevant – they have a health problem, and they have a doctor they go to for solving the problem. And yet…
Coming Home To Yourself
For nearly three years now, our lives have been upended by external events well beyond our control, from a global pandemic to geopolitical strife and so many other things in between. You may have read a number of articles that attempted to articulate how you might be feeling. Were you languishing? Was your nervous system unbalanced due to a period of prolonged stress? Or did you simply feel, like I did, like a prairie dog popping up over and over again to scan for danger. It was like playing wack-a-mole!