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5 Essential Steps to Beat Back Pain with Holistic Physiotherapy
Suffering from back pain? Join the club! Back pain is as common as it is debilitating, affecting a substantial number of people at some point in their lives. But here's the good news: Holistic Physiotherapy can be a game-changer in your recovery journey. It's not just about the pain; it's about the person behind the pain. Let's dive into the five essential steps that can help you wave goodbye to back pain with the magic of a holistic approach.
Bouncing Back with a Bang: The Spirited Journey of Sports Injury Recovery through Physiotherapy
Injuries might feel like the worst possible outcome, but with physiotherapy on your team, the recovery process can be as enriching and holistic as the sport itself.
Rest and Play
Rest can be defined as a state of relaxation - mental, physical, and emotional - that allows us to restore our energy levels and recover from the stressors of our daily lives. It is essential that we meet this need. We can do that with 7 - yes, 7 - different types of rest!
Sit Less This Summer… And Move More!
As a physiotherapist, I firmly believe that nothing has a bigger positive impact on our health and wellness as movement. The problem is that most of us aren’t moving enough. Too many people sit at a desk all day and then come home and sit on the couch in the evening. If that sounds familiar, this article is my love letter to you.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
It was passion that fueled the creation of Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness. What started out with one woman and a commitment to health has grown into an integrative healthcare clinic that fosters community, empowerment, and collaboration.
Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness Values YOU
Understanding The Mind-Body Connection
Few of us live a life exempt from loss or pain. Anyone who has lost a loved one too soon or gone through a bad breakup can recall not only their emotional reaction but their physical reaction as well. The loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia. Heartache is something most of us can relate to, but why? How does an emotional event lead to physical symptoms?