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The Importance of Postpartum Nutrition
Welcoming a newborn into the world is a miraculous journey, filled with joy, wonder, and boundless love. However, amidst the whirlwind of caring for a new baby, it's easy for new mothers to overlook their own nutritional needs. Yet, postpartum nutrition is paramount for recovery, energy levels, and overall well-being. Let's explore why nutrition is crucial in postpartum care, along with some quick tips to help new mothers stay well-nourished during this transformative time.
Integrating Physiotherapy into Your Prenatal Care
Pregnancy, a time of beautiful transformation, can often feel like a jumbled choreography of hormonal shifts, physical changes, and emotional highs and lows.
But fear not! Just as a skilled dancer learns to move with poise, you too can glide through the stages of motherhood with ease, armed with the secret weapon of physiotherapy!
Rest and Digest With Your Parasympathetic Nervous System
Other things that help you relax will also help you extend your rest and digest stage. Reading a book if you love to read. Taking a bath with your favourite scented bubbles, if that’s your thing. Playing a musical instrument. Painting. You get the idea. If you’re feeling like you’re under constant stress, try to build some time into your day for the things that help you relax - it does more good for your health than you can imagine.
Functional Nutrition for Perimenopause Support
Before menopause, there is perimenopause. If you’re not familiar with it, or only vaguely familiar with it, there’s a reason for that. It’s simply not talked about enough, which means many women are either taken by surprise or simply never learn the root cause of perimenopausal symptoms.
Summer Digestive Health Tips: Expert Advice from Saskatoon Nutritionist for Optimal Wellness
Summertime and the living is easy! Many of us take full advantage of the warm weather to change up our routine, get out to see friends more, hit the road and hit the beach, and hopefully get a little more activity in.
Functional Nutrition for Pain and Inflammation Relief: Saskatoon Nutritionist Expert Guide
I believe in something that might sound radical: we can heal our bodies with the food we choose to eat. We can relieve chronic pain and inflammation by making the right food choices for our bodies.
What came first - Stress or Indigestion?
You are a better communicator than you realize! Did you know that your brain is in constant communication with – of all things – your gut? That’s why an uncomfortable conversation can induce butterflies or loose bowel movements and why you might not feel like your usual perky self when your stomach is off.