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Embracing Holistic Health: A Peek into Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness
At Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness, we're not just about treating symptoms; we're about nurturing the whole person. Our integrated approach combines physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, clinical counseling, nutrition counseling, and registered nursing support services. We believe that true healing occurs when we work together, focusing on the circle of care, and rising as a collective.
The Hidden Impact of Suppressed Emotions on Physical Health
If you don’t acknowledge and express your response to an experience, including your emotions, it can be stored in your body and your nervous system. So many of us hold things in unconsciously even if it affects us negatively. Explore the common places where we hold stress in our bodies.
Connect Your Mind to Your Body Through Mindful Movement
If you’ve been to our practice before, you’ve probably heard us talk about the importance and power of mindful movement. That’s because, from a holistic standpoint, opening a line of communication and understanding between body and mind is good for the whole person.