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Embracing Holistic Health: A Peek into Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness
At Holistic Physiotherapy & Wellness, we're not just about treating symptoms; we're about nurturing the whole person. Our integrated approach combines physiotherapy, chiropractic care, massage therapy, clinical counseling, nutrition counseling, and registered nursing support services. We believe that true healing occurs when we work together, focusing on the circle of care, and rising as a collective.
The Importance of Postpartum Nutrition
Welcoming a newborn into the world is a miraculous journey, filled with joy, wonder, and boundless love. However, amidst the whirlwind of caring for a new baby, it's easy for new mothers to overlook their own nutritional needs. Yet, postpartum nutrition is paramount for recovery, energy levels, and overall well-being. Let's explore why nutrition is crucial in postpartum care, along with some quick tips to help new mothers stay well-nourished during this transformative time.
Discover How Gut Health Affects Your Well-being: The Gut-Health Brain Connection Explained - Chiropractor Saskatoon.
We talk a lot about the sympathetic nervous system that activates your flight or flight stress response. We help you tap into the “rest and digest” mode which is operated by the more mellow parasympathetic nervous system. But wait, there’s more!
Connect Your Mind to Your Body Through Mindful Movement
If you’ve been to our practice before, you’ve probably heard us talk about the importance and power of mindful movement. That’s because, from a holistic standpoint, opening a line of communication and understanding between body and mind is good for the whole person.
What does Holistic Health mean?
We have a simple question: What does holistic health mean to you? For some people, it can sound a little new-agey or too alternative; they might imagine a room full of crystals and candles. For others, it might simply sound irrelevant – they have a health problem, and they have a doctor they go to for solving the problem. And yet…
Is Mindfulness & Meditation Right For You?
Do you ever feel as though you are sleepwalking through life? Driving on autopilot and going through the routine motions of your day – brushing your teeth, fixing a salad for lunch, zoning out watching television in the evenings?
Exploring Your Feminine Ground
In this blog Kim Deschamps summarizes a very powerful and healing self-care treatment to empower women and teach them how to read the physical patterns held in the pelvic muscles and alleviate patterns that inhibit energy flow.
Fast and faster - Fatigue recipe
Fatigue, burnout and exhaustion can be states that we live or survive in for short or long periods of time. Recognizing the signs of fatigue can be masked and tucked away until we are hit smack in the face with them. Physiotherapist Lindsey Tasker Cole dives into what fatigue looks like and how Physiotherapy can help!
Exploring Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
“Postmenopausal osteoporosis is known as the most common type of osteoporosis and is thought to result from a decrease in estrogen and testosterone as we age”. Dr. Linka talks about the effects of postmenopausal osteoporosis and tips on how to prevent/ manage the diagnosis to live a healthy life.
Using Plants to Help You Through (Peri-) Menopause
Naturopath Dr. Liebrecht speaks on peri menopause and how to support hormone levels naturally within the body with the use of plants and herbs.