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Movement and Exercise for Postpartum Recovery
Welcoming a new life into the world is a miraculous experience, but it also marks the beginning of a profound journey of physical and emotional transformation for new mothers. As the initial excitement of childbirth settles, the focus shifts to postpartum recovery—a period where movement and exercise play a pivotal role in restoring strength, mobility, and overall well-being.
Connect Your Mind to Your Body Through Mindful Movement
If you’ve been to our practice before, you’ve probably heard us talk about the importance and power of mindful movement. That’s because, from a holistic standpoint, opening a line of communication and understanding between body and mind is good for the whole person.
The Summer of Sleep
Many of my clients come to me for help with their sleep routine. Insomnia is a widespread problem that can have an outsized effect on our physical, mental, and emotional health. In fact, about 30 % of Canadians suffer from a sleep disorder.
Back To After School Activity!
Danielle Bararuk shares the importance of introducing physical activity into your kids lives and tips on getting active as a family.